Talen Energy: There isn’t a need; it’s payment for what is being provided

Harrisburg, Pa. (April 8) — Citizens Against Nuclear Bailouts has issued the following statement on the House Consumer Affairs Committee hearing for House Bill 11.

Today, the Pennsylvania House Consumer Affairs committee held its first of several hearings on the disastrous House Bill 11, legislation that would effectively eliminate competition and increase consumer electric bills by at least $500 million each year.
In opposition to House Bill 11, former Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) Chairman Glen Thomas shared with the committee that Pennsylvania’s energy market has improved dramatically since the inception of a competitive electricity marketplace in the state:

‘When I look at Pennsylvania and where we stand now compared to where we were in 1996, our rates are lower, our reliability is better, our grid is more diverse today than it was in 1996 and air emissions are down.’

Those speaking in favor of House Bill 11 discussed at length the attributes of nuclear power. They failed to offer a compelling reason why consumers should foot the cost of the annual $500 million bill when nuclear power generators in the state are projected to make nearly a billion dollars in profits in 2018 and 2019. Nuclear power will continue to be a part of our energy portfolio; they are making too much money to disappear.
Profitable nuclear corporations continue to mislead the public on concerns over the future of nuclear energy in Pennsylvania. Talen Energy, one of the owners of the Susquehanna Nuclear Power Plant, made it clear today that they are profitable and believe they deserve more: ​ 

‘Today, ​ Susquehanna — our station, which is owned 10 percent by Allegheny Electric Cooperative — is making money. It is not a need base. We have not announced a shutdown.’

This profound statement calls into question why the Pennsylvania Rural Electric Association, which has a 10-percent ownership stake in Susquehanna, continues to mislead legislators and customers into thinking that if House Bill 11 isn’t passed Susquehanna will shut down and ​ rural electric co-op rates will increase.
House Bill 11 is highly complex legislation that will have devastating impacts on Pennsylvania’s competitive energy market. Time and time again, profitable nuclear corporations fail to answer the question: What is the problem we are trying to solve?
-Citizens Against Nuclear Bailouts

Citizens Against Nuclear Bailouts is a diverse coalition of Pennsylvania citizens’ groups, power generators, and energy, business and manufacturing associations.


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About Citizens Against Nuclear Bailouts

Citizens Against Nuclear Bailouts is a diverse coalition of Pennsylvania citizens’ groups, power generators, and energy, business and manufacturing associations.